Friday, February 1, 2013

Corey's bday/Christmas 2012

December was a fun month! We had a lot going on! Take a peek at our pics.
Here is Ben holding Kennedy. It is amazing how big she is getting, and Ben is really starting to interact with her. It is so fun to see them together!
This year Ben was old enough to help decorate the Christmas tree. He is sporting a nice mo-hawk, thanks to Corey. That haircut only lasted a couple days before we buzzed it off.
Here is Corey and our sweet baby girl!
Ben helping me make Christmas cookies.

Kennedy sitting up nice and tall in her high chair. She is just so cute, I can't get enough of her!
Benjamin looking cool with his winter hat and no socks or shoes. Good thing our winters are mild!
Benjamin, Kennedy, and I went to the Phoenix Children's Museum. It was a lot of fun for Ben and Kennedy had a lot to look at. It wore me out!
Another pic from the museum. This was one of Ben's favorite parts-he got to pretend to grocery shop just like mom.
Corey had his birthday when the world was supposed to end, luckily it didn't! Ben helped blow out the candles!
Me, mom, Lauren and Ben making Christmas cookies.
Corey and Ben helping decorate the cookies! 
Kennedy with her Great Grandma Nat. 
Lauren and Kennedy with Kennedy's stocking on Christmas morning!
Kennedy with Uncle Matt
Corey and I helping Ben with his stocking. Both our kids have hand knitted stockings made by their great grandma!
Kennedy and Lauren checking out her stocking!

Grandma and Kennedy
Ben playing with one of his Christmas gifts!

After we got home from Christmas at my parents and Corey's mom, we had a nice big Christmas package waiting from Corey's dad. Ben got this really sweet play set of Thomas the Tank Engine. He loves it!

My two little ones! They get bigger everyday!

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