Sunday, September 11, 2011

labor day weekend

Labor Day weekend was super busy! We went camping Friday and Saturday night with some friends. It was so fun! We hung out by the campfire, played volleyball, frisbee, catch. It was a long day Saturday and Ben got super dirty. We were all super tired by the end. We also got visited by a racoon two nights in a row. The second night it was brave enough to come out while we were all still awake and by the fire. The boys chased it off.
Sunday and Monday we got to spend time with Corey's Dad. Ben got to see his grandpa from CT for the first time! We also went out to eat as a family to Native New Yorker. Corey loves their wings.

Me, Corey, Ben, and Grandpa

Ben and Corey playing football
Ben trying to grab the shovel from Corey
Matt chillin
Ben, the outdoorsman
Ben, Me, and Corey out for a walk in the woods

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